Beijing International Motorcycle Exhibition

     The Beijing International Motorcycle Exhibition is an international, high-end, authoritative platform of Chinese motorcycle industry, with displaying the international leading motorcycle producing and products, showing and leading the development of motorcycle culture. It attracts many major motorcycle enterprises to participate and promotes the healthy development of motorcycle culture.

     The 2024 Beijing International Motorcycle Exhibition was held from 17-20 May at the China International Exhibition Centre (Shunyi). This year's exhibition covered an area of more than 70,000 square metres and attracted 220 motorbike and related products exhibitors from China, Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Russia, etc. Among them, 52 domestic and foreign motorcycle brands exhibited more than 1,300 motorcycles. During the four days of the show, more than 30 new vehicle launches were held, attracting more than 100,000 visitors, and more than 1,500 senior media and self-publishing media reported on the show.


Exhibition: Beijing International Motorcycle Exhibition (Motor China)

Sponsors: China Chamber of Commerce for Motorcycle (CCCM)

China International Exhibition Center Group Limited (CIEC Group)

Organizer: CIEC Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Date: May 17-20, 2024

Venue: China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi)


Events and Activities:

China Motorcycle Industry Development Summit

China Motorcycle Club Association Conference

Electric Motorcycle Forum

Motorcycle Stunt Show

Motorcycle Test Ride


Exhibit Profile:

Electric Motorcycle Section Is Coming!

Vehicle: Motorcycle, New Energy Motorcycle, ATV, Customized Vehicle, etc.

Parts: Tires, Powertrains, Electric System, Modification Parts, Battery, etc.

Riding Equipment: Helmet, Gloves, Shoes, Apparel and Safety Protection, etc.

Services: Repair, Maintenance, Testing Services and Equipment, etc.

LifeStyle: Clubs, Catering, Camping, Accessories, Designer Toys, etc.

Driving and Children Training, Racing and Racing Venues


Target Visitors:

Government / Associations

Manufacturer and Dealer of Vehicle, Parts and Riding Equipment

Maintenance, Repair and Modification 

Clubs and Enthusiasts

Media / KOL


Wechat Official Account:



MicroBlog Official Account:


RED Official Account:


Contact us
China Chamber of Commerce for Motorcycle
26 Yuetan South Str. Xicheng District Beijing 100825
China International Exhibition Center Group Limited / CIEC Exhibition Co., Ltd.
6 East Beisanhuan Rd.,Beijing,China
Post Code:100028
Tel/Mob:010-84600333  13401191083
China Chamber of Commerce for Motorcycle
China International Exhibition Center Group Limited
CIEC Exhibition Co., Ltd.
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